As most of you know, I’m a Home Health Nurse who drives around the countryside seeing patients in their home.  A couple of years ago I got a hybrid car with all the bells and whistles.  Meaning, it’s a smart car with cameras and computers.  I have nicknamed it Prima Donna.

Prima Donna has many features that help keep me safe while I’m on the road.  Since I eat in the car between visits, it’s helpful when she guides me to stay within the lanes.  Sometimes she tells me to brake if it doesn’t look like I’m going to stop.  I mean she literally will flash a big orange message on the screen that says BRAKE and sounds off, “BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” Sometimes Prema Donna will brake for me which scares me to death.

Due to the several cameras in the car, Prema Donna takes full advantage in reminding me what the speed is.  She will even display a hot cup of coffee on the screen if she thinks I’m not paying attention to my driving.  Hmm… how does she do that?  Of course, there are all kinds of other messages that flash across the screen telling me what she needs.  It’s like having a backseat driver with me.

Backseat drivers are annoying.  There is nothing like ruining a good drive when someone with you says, “STOP!” or “Turn there!”, or “You’re going the wrong way!”  In a recent survey of more than 1,000 motorists, 14 percent reported having had an accident or near miss because they were distracted by a backseat driver, and 51 percent have gotten angry behind the wheel because of backseat drivers. 

“don’t be a backseat driver.  Instead, quietly recite mantras of protection.  For example: “You’re going to get us all killed.” – David M. Bader

Many times, I have felt the need to be in control of my life especially when going through some stressful situations.  There are moments when I feel powerless and think that if I can be of influence in what’s happening around me then maybe I might experience some inkling of stability.  HA!  But, somehow someway, God stops me and says, “Are you done being the backseat driver?” 

“It’s unwise to be a backseat driver, passenger or bystander in your own life.”― Rasheed Ogunlaru

I love these conversations with God.  It must look like I have a lightbulb above my head that all the sudden turns on and illuminates my surroundings giving me a different outlook on my situation.  Sometimes I imagine God chuckling and shaking His head when this happens.

I’ll admit that I’m a little slow when it comes to God’s plans in my life but once I release my control and like Carrie Underwood sings, “Take the wheel Jesus!” then life starts to improve.

Phillippians 4: 6-7  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I enjoy my car but find Prima Donna’s input about my driving habits annoying at times.  I’m amazed how patient God is with me especially when I do some backseat driving in my life. 

It sounds backwards to let go of something when I feel like I need to hang on tight and try to steer it in the direction I think it needs to go.  But every time I try to manipulate or control a circumstance, things get really messed up.  It would be nice if God would clue me in on His plans, but rarely does He give me the whole picture beforehand.  I think this is His way of stretching me into maturity and teaching me how to have FAITH in Him. 

When God steps in and takes control of whatever is happening, amazing things transpire.  Hey, I’m always in for astonishing stuff occurring in my life.  It’s amazing how situations become clearer and less chaotic as God leads me into the plans He has for me.

When perfectionism is driving us, shame is riding shotgun and fear is that annoying backseat driver! – Brene Brown

How about you?  Are you feeling out of control when you’re trying so hard to keep a handle on things?  Try letting go and place it in God’s hands.  Let Him create something beautiful out of something ugly.  Remember, don’t be impatient and take it back, persevere and allow Him to transform you into this beautiful person that you were created to be.

“Father, may I always stop and listen to you for directions.  If I don’t, please smack me into reality so that I can see the light.  I don’t mind if you chuckle and shake your head at me just as long as I’m on the right path that you have set for me.”





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