
Welcome to my blog where I write pieces about life that includes some of my experiences peppered with humor that will inspire and encourage you.  This journey on earth can be difficult and crazy at times and we all need some inspiration to keep moving forward.  Enjoy!


Hard Times Lead to Great Moments

Hard Times Lead to Great Moments

Sweet are the uses of adversity which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in his head. – William Shakespeare Awe, adversity.  Do I hate it or welcome it?  Not necessarily both but there is a lot of good in that word.  This has been an...

We All Need a Little Manure in Our Life

We All Need a Little Manure in Our Life

Mornings are the start of a new day, at least once I get pass getting out of bed with the initial stiffness of my body.  But once I’m up I sometimes go outside on my back porch and inhale a large amount of fresh clean air.  You know, one of those cleansing deep...

Is Getting Old Worth It?

Is Getting Old Worth It?

Yesterday I had a long day at work.  It took me till nine in the evening to finish all my charting.  There was nothing left of my brain but mush.  I needed to watch a movie to help my brain do a peaceful transition to sleep mode, so I decided to watch The Mummy with...

Keep the Dreams of Children Alive

Keep the Dreams of Children Alive

The other day I was cleaning out some bins in my crowded garage.  After opening a large one with words written on it “Gwen’s Memories”, I discovered an old doll house that I use to play with.  When I opened it up, I found one of my favorite barbie dolls that I used to...

This is How I Fight My Battles

This is How I Fight My Battles

Rage filled Katrina as she raised her balled up hands.  “How dare you throw worms at me!” Doug threw his head back and laughed like he was taunting her to make the next move.  “What you going to do about it?  You think you can fight me?”  Another hearty laugh escaped...

You Say I Am Strong

You Say I Am Strong

  Do you ever wonder if your enough?  I do.  With so many demands placed on me how can I measure up to be the woman that I was created to be.  With the fast pace lifestyle of a job, a family, and all the other stuff I want to do, how can I keep it all together? My...

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