​The command center looked like a still painting as the deafening silence hovered.  Despite the cooling system keeping the room at an even 68 degrees, sweat drenched Officer Jordans clothing.

With three generals and the Secretary of Defense hovering over the seasoned officer, the atmosphere felt crushing while he sat motionless with his finger poised over the now uncovered red button.

In all his years of service, never had he been in a circumstance that required him to perform the two-person procedure to unlock the missile for launch.

The president had just upgraded the DEFCON level to one which started the launch sequence.  Nuclear war was imminent.

Jordan unconsciously bit his lower lip as he waited for the DSP, Defense Support Program, to verify if hundreds and hundreds of Soviet ballistic missiles were truly heading toward North America. No one was sure why the missiles had been launched.  Talks with the Russian ambassador had gone well.

It seemed like hours until the DSP Operator hollered, “System error!  I repeat, system error!”

Instinctively Officer Jordan moved his finger to the right of the red button.

Without hesitation, the Secretary of Defense was on the phone to the president with new orders and announced, “DEFCON two!”

The room broke out into a low buzz as the thick air began to dissipate.

Officer Jordan took in a deep breath and snapped the plastic casing back over the infamous red button.  This was one situation that was intercepted, and he never wanted to experience it again.

While doing some research on defense satellites, I came across a bit of history.  Back on November 9th in 1979 the NORAD missile warning display screens indicated an attack by 1,400 Soviet ICBMs.  Thankfully this was not true because mistakenly someone had used a nuclear exercise tape on a NORAD computer and produced a U.S. false warning.  This alert action prompted Soviet Communist Party General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev to write secretly to President Carter that the erroneous alert was “fraught with a tremendous danger.”  And “I think you will agree with me that there should be no errors in such matters.”

Sheesh, we almost started World War Three!  Thank goodness this got intercepted before we started shooting missiles to Russia.

Satellites do a lot for us.  Some take pictures of our world, planets and stars.  Others send signals so we can have internet and phone service.  We use satellites for navigation like Googles Maps.  Sometimes our government spies on other countries or vice versa.  Meteorologists receive information on weather-related conditions that can help people to be prepared and protect themselves.

Some satellites are used in geological studies, earth’s magnetic field studies, sun studies, earth’s surface mapping and earth’s atmospheric studies.  But the one thing I was interested in the most was the use of satellites to detect missile launches so that they could be intercepted.

I learned that the satellite defense system uses an infrared sensor to detect heat from missiles and booster plumes against the Earth’s background.  My thought was, okay that’s kind of cool but is it 100% dependable?

Despite billions of dollars invested in technology, there are always some flaws with the satellite defense system.  Such as, there are so many satellites in space now that there is an increasing risk of collisions.  Software malfunctions or even the sun can interfere with the satellite capability to transmit signals.  Or it could be human error.

To put it simply, satellites may be helpful, but they are not one hundred percent dependable.

Thinking about this caused some anxiety in me but then I had to tell myself to step back mentally and not linger on the what if thoughts.

Don’t let the fear of what could happen make nothing happen. – Doe Zantamata

The truth is, God is the ultimate defense system who is greater than the most sophisticated systems in the world.  With God there are no mistakes.  There are no what ifs.

Living my life is no cake walk at times.  No matter how prepared or in control I think I am, unwanted circumstances still come flying in and cause me turmoil.  Sometimes I feel like Officer Jordan needing to go through the sequence of preparing to use the RED button to prevent looming destruction from the enemy.

“God gave you this life because he knew you were strong enough to live it.”

What’s astonishing is that regardless of the choices I make Gods plan for my life never gets altered.

In other words, God’s goal for me will always be reached because He intercepts and gives me warnings.  If I get blindsided by any unforeseen situation, then with God’s protection He and I wage the battle together on to victory!

 A God wise enough to create me and the world I live in is wise enough to watch out for me. – Philip Yancey

No matter what it may be, God is ALWAYS beside me regardless of whether I feel Him close or not.  He is my ultimate satellite defense system!  He never fails or gives off inaccurate readings.  I am blessed to be a child of God who is my protector.

Deuteronomy 31:6 – Be strong and courageous.  Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.  He will not leave you or forsake you.

Who’s your satellite?  Who’s your protector?  Who stands for you when no one else will?

Lord, please remind me that you are always with me and that I have nothing to fear.

Image by Eoneren on iStock







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