While listening to one of my favorite music channels, a commercial interrupted my peaceful thinking.  Like commercials do, it grabbed my full attention when it started talking about resolutions and Quitters Day.

Utilizing my little hand computer, my cell phone, I immediately typed in Second Friday of January to see if there was such a thing.  By gum, there is!

Most likely a trend started on social media, the concept of “Second Friday in January” is where most people are likely to give up on their New Year’s resolutions.

Awe, I thought, how sad is that.  But, so true.  I’ve been there and I’m sure you have too.

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” – Earl Nightingale

In the past I have felt gun hoe to start the new year with a resolution to improve myself, and it’s always a good one.  But then after a couple of weeks it fizzles out.  This is why a lot of folks don’t make a New Years Resolution simply because of the fact that they will end up breaking it and then feel like a failure if they don’t keep it.  Who wants that!

I like goals, it gives me something to work towards.  At the end of every year, I go through a process of analyzing the past year and then what I would like to accomplish in the new year.  Sometimes I come up with these grandiose goals for the new year.  These are the years that I have been unsuccessful.  But I have learned through the years to keep my well thought out resolutions to a minimum.

Most people like to think on the positives for the new year and what they can accomplish.  I would venture to say that all the resolutions are good ones that will enhance one’s life in one way or another.

So, my suggestion is to start out small until it has become a part of your routine or you have accomplished it.  Then if your feeling cheeky with yourself half-way through the year, then who’s to stop you in starting another one to finish out the year?  Wow!  Two resolutions in one year!  Now that’s something to brag about.

“The harder you work for something the greater you’ll feel when you succeed.” – Anonymous

If you have lumped yourself with the 2nd Friday of January folks, then un-lump yourself.   What’s wrong with restarting that goal again.  There is no hard fast rule that says you have to give up after the first try.  In fact, you can restart as many times as it takes.  Maybe 2025 is the year you restart several times until you have become successful.

“If you fall off a horse, you get back up.  I am not a quitter.” – Olivia Wilde

If you have to readjust the goal, then do it.  Don’t compare yourself with anyone else.  This is your journey and you get to do it your way and at your own pace.  Just remember that everyone else struggles with their own inner goals that result in failures or successes.  You are not alone.

If anyone gives you a hard time for quitting, just tell them to go jump in a lake.  No really, just listen to the positive encouragements that will spur you on to restart that New Year’s resolution for as many times as it takes so you can SUCCEED!


“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”  –  Winston S. Churchill

Image by alexsl on iStock







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